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VFG EnergiSE


VentureForGood (VFG) EnergiSE supports pre-seed to early stage startups to create human-centered social impact in Singapore with up to $50,000 in grant funding. 
Applications close:
22nd September 2024 

23rd September to Mid October 2024
Shortlisting of Applicants

End October to Early November 2024
Pitching to Grant Selection Committee

End November 2024
Announcement of Selected Grantees

Funding Details

12 Months

Funding Period

 up to

Grant Funding

Milestone-Tranche Based Disbursement

Grants will be disbursed upon achievement of set social impact milestones.

Eligibility Criteria

Impact Community

Be a raiSE Impact Community Member

raiSE Impact Community is a network of startups and businesses that aspire to create positive social change.

Click here to find out more!

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Create Human-Centered Social Impact

Created social impact in Singapore within one or more of these domains:

1. Providing Employment Opportunities

2. Offering Affordable Products and Services 

3. Creating Targeted Products and Services (designed with specific beneficiary in mind to help alleviate mental, social or physical deprivation)



Have Clear Management Intention

Intention to incorporate social impact as core objectives of your business, and commitment to measure performance based on a double bottom line of financial returns and social impact creation

VentureForGood (VFG) EnergiSE supports pre-seed to early stage startups to create human-centered social impact in Singapore with up to $50,000 in grant funding. (3)
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Apply now!